OTHER NEWS- 2024 has been a standout year for MHMTC as we marked our 70th anniversary with THREE SHOWS! Our Patrons' Party Our Platinum Years, which took place in March, was a roaring success. And our one-off semi-staged version of Gilbert & Sullivan's superlative operetta Ruddigore on Friday 28 June 2024 played out to an very appreciative full house, some of who (whom?) had never seen a G&S before and were thoroughly entertained! In the autumn half-term, we brought smash West End musical Calendar Girls to Mill Hill! And our members really stepped up to the plate in this sad, funny, uplifting and DARING show. Please get in touch with us if you'd like to join us on stage in 2025 or become a Patron.
- Our brilliant MD Ricardo Fernandes has written a magical new musical celebrating diversity, with Claire Tilley, called FROM WITHIN. Check out the excellent website (below), which introduces us to the magical kingdom of Eshanda, where the Zekes and Rhydians have been divided by a river originating from the tears from heartbroken Ezekiel Zeke after his true love Zahara left him for Rhydian Wintermyer. Both societies flourished but with very different sets of beliefs and values. But now, will the younger generations from both sides of the divide be able to come together, and learn that the world can be a better place if we open our eyes to see that everything in life comes from within, and from within you can be your true self? You can also find out more, hear snippets of the lovely songs, and help kick-start Ricardo and writer Claire Tilley's crowdfunding efforts to get it produced with a much-needed donation... www.fromwithinmusical.co.uk/ |